Move over, Reese. There’s a new book club in town. At the Intercoiffure America Canada (ICA) Spring Gathering in Las Vegas in April, the first ICA book club was introduced to its members.

The First Pick

Frank and Jana Westerbeke, ICA members and owners of Gadabout SalonSpas in Tucson, Arizona, recommended the first book club choice, The Gap and the Gain: The High Acheivers’ Guide to Happiness, Confidence, and Success.

Book cover for "The Gap and The Gain" by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy features bold blue and yellow text on a white background, reminiscent of a stylish contest where vibrant hues capture attention, much like an eye-catching salon event. - Intercoiffure Canada America

The Gap and the Gain reminds us to celebrate the small accomplishments along the way that lead to the larger goal at the finish line,” says Jana. “It’s about living life, celebrating the journey instead of the destination, and then writing your achievements and goals down to remind yourself daily of how amazing you are.”

Sheila Zaricor-Wilson, ICA president, says, “It was a great read, and even better the second time around. It’s full of little nuggets that grab your attention with detailed follow-up on how to take action.”

Member-Led Inspiration

Investing time in your leadership skills can fall down the  priority list when you’re bogged down in the daily grind. ICA’s book club provides an outlet to find inspiration via recommendations from trusted sources.

The second book club pick,  Unreasonable Hospitality, was chosen by Helen and Scott Miller, owners of Scott Miller Salon Spa Store in Pittsford, NY.

Cover of the book "Unreasonable Hospitality" by Will Guidara, featuring bold blue and yellow typography, reminiscent of a lively salon event, with a small "National Bestseller" label. - Intercoiffure Canada America

“The author, Will Guidara, wrote this book about his time owning the restaurant 11 Madison Park in New York City,” says Helen. “It went from number 50 to the number-one restaurant in the world. They attributed their remarkable success to providing unreasonable hospitality.

“This book transformed how we do business today and it definitely is a game changer for any business in the service industry.”

She adds, “Unreasonable Hospitality has been so impactful to our leadership team and our entire staff—we organized a full staff meeting in January based on the book’s principles and business practices. It was truly incredible.”

Want to recommend a book that’s inspired you? Email us with the book information and why you’re recommending it to!