If there ever was beauty industry royalty, it would be Intercoiffure’s Ordre de la Chevalerie. This exclusive—almost clandestine—order is full of the industry’s elite: master stylists, salon owners, teachers, and innovators. Here, brilliant minds can openly share their knowledge and experience on all things fraternity, friendship, fashion, and finance.


An older man with gray hair sits cross-legged in a salon chair, wearing a suit, polka dot scarf, and red socks. The modern salon buzzes with excitement as a stylist contest unfolds amid sleek black chairs and mirrors. - Intercoiffure Canada America

Mario Tricoci—hair stylist, salon owner, and recipient of the Commander of the Ordre de la Chevalerie in 2005.


“Intercoiffure is the keeper of our industry’s culture and history,” says Sheila Zaricor-Wilson, President of Intercoiffure America Canada. “We are the salon owners, we are the ones who know the greats, and we are the ones who have mentored others to follow our footsteps.”

The Order, like Intercoiffure itself, is full of history. Founded in 1972, members have been nominated every year to join the ranks, inviting legendary stylists like John Jay and Mario Tricoci to form the inner circle. The president of Intercoiffure America Canada chooses the nominees to be honored on a global level—and the criterion is quite simple, yet intangible—members must have served above and beyond what is expected of them when joining Intercoiffure.


Following the nominations, the Chevalerie Committee reviews and approves criteria like the number of years involved with the organization, industry recognition, and the nominee’s contribution to Intercoiffure. Then, it’s off to Paris.

Every year, Intercoiffure hosts a global event to award the nominees to their new elevated status in the beautiful city of Paris, France. The ceremony itself is elegant—nominees and members are treated to a black-tie dinner and presentation, during which every country presents its theme and talent. This year, the pinning will be held on the river Seine, and the Haircutting Council, sponsored by Bumble & Bumble, will be representing America Canada on the stage.

“It is emotional to witness the commitment to our communities, to our countries, and to our industry,” says Sheila, “We are elevating the industry—and the world—together.”

Knighthood is only the first honor in l’Ordre de la Chevalerie. There are four grades, each with its own emblem, pin and diploma.


This award honors members who have provided exceptional service within the national organization of Intercoiffure. Nomination to the rank of Knight requires a minimum of three years of service within the membership. Only 94 members have been knighted in America Canada.

2022 Nominees: Scott Buchanan, Salvatore Minardi,  Sam Brocato, Trish Storhoff, Karen Gordon, Chad Cantu, Frank Westerbeke, Stephen Moody, Daniel Kaner


This award is presented to a member who already holds a Knighthood and has performed additional merits in the following three years. Out of the 94 knights, 27 have been awarded Officer.

2022 Nominee: Perry Monge


This award is given after five years in the rank of Officer for new merits internationally. Currently, only 15 Officers have been elevated to Commander.

2022 Nominee: Adam Broderick

A man in a black outfit sits on a chair at a chic salon, surrounded by beauty products artfully arranged on shelves. The air buzzes with excitement as the stylist contest commences, showcasing the creativity and talent thriving within this vibrant salon. - Intercoiffure Canada America

Adam Broderick—salon consultant, spa innovator, professional hair stylist, and 2022 Commander nominee.

Grand Cross

This award is presented to Commanders of at least five years who the Grand Master and the Council feel have contributed to the advancement of Intercoiffure Mondial. This highly exclusive honor requires at least 16 years active in the organization and has only been awarded to 2 members in America Canada—Ralph Most and Michael Kluthe.


Members of Intercoiffure do not serve to be knighted—rather, they serve and are knighted because of their excellence.

“Elevating your career to l’Ordre de la Chevalerie is a life-changing experience. When joining the ranks, you are welcomed with open arms, camaraderie, and endless appreciation for your service,” says Sheila. “The history of the order enables you to feel as if you are a part of something much bigger than yourself—and that echoes the goals of the beauty industry at large.”

Throughout even the toughest times in the beauty industry, Intercoiffure’s members have shared information, supported one another, and lifted each other up. Connection and collaboration are values that will never be lost—it is the very foundation of good business and friendship.

And that is, at the very core, the idea that l’Ordre de la Chevalerie is founded on—that when hairdressers, salon owners, and creatives come together to share the same ethics, the same passion, and the same desires, it is entirely possible to create a more beautiful world.