October 1, 2010 through February 1, 2011

Intercoiffure Nouveau’s segment is an exciting highlight of any Intercoiffure event. It’s young, fresh, new and generational. The annual Creative Cutting & Coloring Contest showcases new talent and helps them to acquire experience in their professional on a national level.

Entrants must submit an innovative, dynamic, current haircut, displaying versatility and creativity. Hair color should be distinct and vivid as a component of the cut. Ten finalists will be invited to replicate their entries at the Spring Beauty Symposium, April 17-18, 2011, at The Fontainebleau Miami Beach. A Nouveau Creative Team consisting of the winner and two runners-up will be selected by a panel of judges.

Qualifications: Entry is open to licensed cosmetologists who are employees of an Intercoiffure “A” member. The entrant must have been licensed for five years or less in Canada or the U.S.

Specifications: Contestants are asked to submit a before and after image of their haircut and color. All images must be in jpg format, in RGB or gray scale, at a minimum of 300 dpi and no smaller than 5 x 7 inches. Entries should be mailed to: Perry Monge, Creative Director, Intercoiffure Nouveau, 3 South 2nd Street Ste 212, Phoenix, AZ 85004.

Intercoiffure Nouveau is directed by Perry Monge, president and owner of Perry Monge Salon and Spa, an AVEDA Lifestyle Salon in Phoenix and a member of the Board of Directors of Intercoiffure America/Canada.

For more information: Download the entry form and release forms from www.intercoiffure.com.