ICA Adds Global Hair Artist Andrew Ly to Spring Gathering Lineup
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Intercoiffure America Canada’s Spring Gathering is jam packed with education, inspiration and presentations, including a very special presentation by renowned stylist Andrew Ly.
Award-winning hair artist, global Oribe brand ambassador, and freelance beauty and art director, Ly collaborates with photographers, fashion publications and high-end beauty brands around the globe.
Presentation Preview
At ICA’s May 5-6 Spring Gathering in Montreal, Ly’s presentation will feature three segments.
“Segment one is an homage to Oribe Canales himself, the second is a dedication to Grace Jones, and the third is a fantasy homage to Philip Treacy, the world’s greatest milliner,” he says.
Growing up, Ly was inspired by Oribe when he saw the legend’s work in fashion magazines.
“I wanted to be just like him,” Ly says. “He transformed models and relaunched their careers. This is the power of an artist and a visionaire. Now, to be part of the Oribe family as a global ambassador is what dreams are made of for me.”
His second segment, a tribute to musician and fashion icon Grace Jones, is all about how she challenged the norm and pushed boundaries.
“More than ever, we must stand up unapologetically and be ourselves with no shame or guilt,” Ly says. “We must understand each other’s differences and love BIGGER.”
Ly’s final segment honors Philip Treacy, a master milliner who helped elevate collection houses like Chanel and Givenchy, and transformed celebrity style.
“Everything he placed on the head was always press worthy,” Ly says. “I relate to Treacy as a session hair stylist because I’ve always told myself that anything that goes on the head is hair to me—no matter the material or shape, my job is to help elevate a look and image.”
Ly adds, “Pushing our creative boundaries to see things outside of the box is such an important practice as it makes us better at what we do.”
A Passion for Education
Like ICA members, Ly is passionate about education for stylists and owners at all levels.
“Continued education is important because it is the fuel to the ship,” he says. “The beauty and fashion industry is always evolving and changing. Education gives us purpose to keep going and always be relevant—without it, we fall behind in an industry that’s constantly reinventing itself.”
He adds, “Continued education keeps us all humble, yet curious—it’s the root of constant growth.”
ICA members can still purchase tickets to the Spring Gathering, May 5-6 in Montreal. Check your newsletter or contact the office for details.