ICA Podcast 9 – Hans BurkertHans Burkert, owner of Capelli Salon Academy, knows how important recruitment is in the salon industry right now. He wants his students to have careers, not just jobs, so he works hard to familiarize his students with Intercoiffure early and often during their cosmetology education. That’s why he, like many school owners, appreciates Pivot Point and Intercoiffure America Canada (ICA)’s partnership. Exposing his students to ICA through the Student Contest is an exciting introduction to their new career path, potential employers, and different facets of the industry. The contest, heavily promoted by Pivot Point, helps connect the dots of recruitment between schools and salons, highlights the benefits of ICA salons to students, and brings the most competitive and talented students to interface directly with ICA members at the events.

ICA Podcast 9 – Hans Burkert

We spoke to Burkert, a licensed educator in both barbering and cosmetology and licensed CE sponsor, about this partnership and how it helps his talented students find a place to start their careers.


Burkert’s Capelli Salon Academy has a comprehensive process to match its students with a salon. Students are reviewed on a monthly basis so the educators understand the skills, passions, and personalities of each individual. They are encouraged to try out at least three internships at different types of salons—and to check out an Intercoiffure salon.

“I want them to go and feel, smell, taste, and touch an ICA salon. A lot of people still have this image that they can’t do anything else, so ‘I’ll be a hairdresser.’ But it’s not like that. It’s a career with many facets. Intercoiffure has a whole different spectrum—education in-house, artistic directors, etc. There are so many different areas you can get into at an ICA salon,” says Burkert.

Once Capelli students have gotten a peek into the world of ICA, Pivot Point’s Student Contest ups the excitement factor. “The Student Contest opens up another avenue to elevate your craft with your students and educators,” says Burkert. “As a school owner, that benefits me because everyone is having a little fun and absorbing the knowledge.”


Pivot Point partners with Intercoiffure to spread the ICA mission into every school that they work with. Capelli Salon Academy is not an official Pivot Point partner, but they still use their lesson plans and materials. When contest time comes around, Pivot Point promotes the contest heavily within the industry and the schools they work with.

The contest has been a huge success in not only raising awareness of ICA salons amongst cosmetology students, but also bringing top talent into the arena to interface with potential ICA employers. Burkert also brings his educators to different ICA events so they can experience the community firsthand. “They LOVE it—it motivates and inspires them, and helps them pass this on to the students.” The enthusiasm is contagious to educators and students alike.

Two people are standing in front of a black backdrop adorned with "Intercoiffure Mondial" logos, dressed in sleek black outfits and red lanyards, at an exclusive stylist contest. - Intercoiffure Canada America“This younger generation is really motivated and gets great direction from Nouveau and the Student Contest,” says Burkert. “Teachers and educators really like the idea because it keeps people motivated. Internally, they work with different groups of students and even compete to see who can get their students on the board.”


The end result benefits everyone involved. The winning students and educators get a trip to an Intercoiffure event, meeting potential employers and learning about the amazing potential within the salon industry. Intercoiffure members can easily identify top talent amongst students for more efficient recruitment, and get inspiration from their creations. Pivot Point and cosmetology schools get high levels of engagement and exposure, helping strengthen their brands. And we all get to see some beautiful work and meet new friends.

Two people are standing in front of a black backdrop adorned with "Intercoiffure Mondial" logos, dressed in sleek black outfits and red lanyards, at an exclusive stylist contest. - Intercoiffure Canada America